1. Financial Engineering Nets $12 billion – A gas pipeline company reorganized itself and created $12 billion of value overnight.

2. A Diablo 3 Story – How one Bulgarian guy made 100,000 Euros in a year via the Diablo 3 auction house.

3. The New USB is Almost Here – A new USB format is almost here. It will carry faster data and more power.

4. State of An Corp – The second ‘State of’ post of a UO private server I used to play on.

5. Yubari, Japan – A rapidly shrinking city shows whats in store for many cities in aging Japan and the West.

1. Why Hoboken is Throwing Away its School Laptops – Technology spending is largely a waste of money in US public schools.

2. Kale, Cauliflower, Cabbage, and Broccoli are all the Same Species – Who knew all of these veggies came from the same species?

3. Sprint Drops T-Mobile Bid – Stiff regulators lead to a missed opportunity to create a viable third choice for US cellular service.

4. The Past Present and Future of the CPU – a Brief overview of the past decade of Intel/AMD CPUs from a gamer perspective.

1. Umami: The Taste we Love but Can’t Describe – Why does a cheeseburger taste so good? Because its Umami!

2. Global Income Inequality is Falling – Contrary to popular belief, income inequality is falling. The world is getting flatter.

3. Funny Billboard in SF – Amusing Billboard in SF that claims a higher minimum wage will hasten technological unemployment.

4. 54% of People Now Live in Cities – I’m surprised the figure is so low. Up from 30% in 1950. The trend is set to continue.

1. The Top 500 Supercomputers – China keeps the #1 and there’s an overall slowdown in progress.

2. The Skyrocketing Popularity of the $100 Bill – Hoarded by criminals, it seems. Time to get rid of paper money.

3. The Case Against Belgium – The US is playing Belgium this week at the World Cup. Here’s a primer of the country.

4. The Living Minecraft – A wonderful little piece about the sense of quite discovery in video games.